Saturday, February 28, 2009

TMNT Splinter

Seasoned (25 Xp)
Quiet, contemplative with a strange sense of humor.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d4
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d12+2, Guts d10, Healing d10, Lock Picking d6, Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Stealth d10
Charisma: 0; Pace: 5; Parry: 12 (1); Toughness: 3
Edges: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Command, Common Bond, First Strike, Healer, Improved Block, Improved Dodge, Improved Level Headed, Power Points (x2), Quick, Thief
Hindrances: Elderly, Loyal, Quirk (Sense of Humor), Small
Super Attributes (3)
Super Edges (16)
Super Skills (6)
Gear: Staff (d4, +1 Parry)

Savage Ninja Turtles

So we played my Savage Ninja Turtles game today with my son and Allen's boys and nephew. So we had the 4 Turtles and Al played Splinter. I ran three scenes in about 3 hours (with a 15 minute break for pizza about half way through). The kids played very well. We used the full Savage Rules and they had no problems with it. Here are a few photos of the game I took.

Scene one: Central Park, Skate boarding park
Kids were being bullied into joining a "gang". The gang was recruiting for the Foot clan!

Scene Two: A warehouse where street kids are being trained to be Foot Ninja. The Turtles shut it down!

Leo's in a bit of trouble below as 5 of the Foot clan surround him!

Scene three: An abandoned pump station where the evil Shredder is planning to dump toxic goo into the drinking water of New York City!


And the Turtles win the day! Derek had the winning shot on Shredder doing 40 points of damage to take him out Savage Style!! And a good time was had by all.

Friday, February 20, 2009

TMNT Michaelangelo

Novice (10 Xp)
Michaelangelo is the fun loving turtle. He lives to enjoy life. He has a gentle, though mischievous nature and is not above playing practical jokes. He enjoys practicing his Ninja skills, but also enjoys just fooling around. He doesn't work as hard at the art of Ninjitsu as any of the others but his natural ability more than makes up for his lack of discipline.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d12+2, Guts d6, Lock Picking d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Streetwise d4, Swimming d6, Taunt d6, Throwing d6
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 8 (2)
Edges: Acrobat, Ambidextrous, Quick, Thief, Two Fisted
Hindrances: Big Mouth, Clueless, Loyal, Small
Aquatic (1)
Armor Level 2, Partial (1)
Super Attributes (7)
Super Skills (6)
Gear: Paired nunchaku (d6)

TMNT Donatello

Novice (10 Xp)
Donatello is more interested in working out a troublesome computer program than fighting ninjas or robot mousers. Of all the turtles, he rebels most strongly against killing. In a strange way, he is a pacifist ninja, and while his skills with the staff are highly honed, he would prefer not to use it against a living being. Don gets off on gadgets and technology. Although he lacks formal training, he is a natural inventive genius. He cares a great deal for his brothers but lives most of the time within his own head, thinking and dreaming.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Climbing d6, Driving d8, Fighting d8, Guts d6, Healing d8, Knowledge (Engineering) d10, Lock Picking d8, Notice d8, Piloting d8, Repair d12, Stealth d8, Swimming d6
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (1); Toughness: 6 (2)
Edges: Alertness, First Strike, Healer, McGyver, Thief
Hindrances: Curious, Loyal, Pacifist (Minor), Small
Aquatic (1)
Armor Level 2, Partial (1)
Invent, Level 2 (4)
Super Attributes (4)
Super Skills (5)
Gear: Staff (d4, Parry +1)

TMNT Leonardo

Novice (15 Xp)
In the absence of Splinter, Leo is the leader of the turtles. He is a "take charge" kind of guy who can size up a situation quickly. He is also a perfectionist; a trait that gets him into trouble. He is always trying to live up to the ideal of his mentor, Splinter. Leo also feels a loss of face when the other turtles do something wrong. He feels responsible for them and their actions. His favored weapon is the sword.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d12, Guts d6, Lock Picking d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Stealth d8, Streetwise d6, Swimming d6, Throwing d8
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 8 (2)
Edges: Acrobat, Charismatic, Command*, Improved Level Headed, Power Points, Thief, Two Fisted
Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal, Quirk (Perfectionist), Small
Aquatic (1)
Armor Level 2, Partial (1)
Super Attributes (8)
Super Edges (4)
Super Skills (6)
Gear: Paired Swords (d8)
Applies to the other turtles with GM's approval.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

TMNT Raphael

Novice (10 Xp)
Raphael has some kind of minor insanity that makes him the "crazy" man of the group. He has problems being controlled and cannot even control himself. He doesn't like this side of himself, but he can't yet control it. His closest friend is Michaelangelo. It's Mikey's great love of life and fun that acts as a balance for Raphael's anger and depressions. As a fighter, Raph is neither the most skillful (Leonardo is better) or the most talented (Michaelangelo is phenomenal) but he is the most deadly Ninja Turtle becuase of his Berserking rage.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d10, Guts d6, Intimidation d6, Lock Picking d6, Notice d6, Stealth d8, Streetwise d6, Swimming d6, Taunt d6, Throwing d6
Charisma: -2; Pace: 8; Parry: 8 (1); Toughness: 8 (2)
Edges: Ambidextrous, Berserk, Fleet Footed, Frenzy, Thief, Two Fisted
Hindrances: Loyal, Mean, Overconfident, Small
Aquatic (1)
Armor Level 2, Partial (1)
Super Attributes (6)
Super Edge (2)
Super Skills (5)
Gear: Paired Sai (d6, +1 Parry)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shaintar: Invading Hordes!

So last night we played our continuing Shaintar game. The group had to rescue a maiden from a mercenary band of Maelstrom and then defeat a horde of goblinesh on the war path. They did both in record time! Here's a couple of photos from the start of the game. Of course, I forgot to take the aftermath photos... In the close up you can see the few villagers leaving as the heroes set up behind a barrier they made into the village.