Once again I was able to play Savage Worlds Supers with my friends at
Con on the Cob this year! It was a lot of fun. I thought I'd share some of my own characters. I am building these using the Super Powers Companion and the Total Power option. So I make a Novice character, give them enough Power Points to see how they look/feel (based on their Stats from the old FACERIP Marvel games) and then give them Level Ups to fill in the gaps. For your consideration, the Hulk. He has 120 Power Points and 10-12 Level Ups. Banner is just a Novice character with no Level Ups.
Bruce Banner
Attributes: Agility d4,
Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Charisma: 0, Pace: 6, Parry: 2, Toughness: 5
Skills: Knowledge
(Biology) d12(+2), Knowledge (Radiation) d12(+2), Notice d6(+2),
Persuasion d4, Repair
Hindrances: Gimmick,
Heroic, Loyal, Wanted (Minor)
Edges: Alertness, Scholar
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4,
Spirit d10, Strength d12+8, Vigor d12+8
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting
d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d4, Stealth d6,Throwing
Charisma: -2, Pace: 48, Parry: 7, Toughness: 30 (9)
Hindrances: All Thumbs, Distinctive
Appearance, Gimmick, Heroic
Edges: Berserk, Brawny, Combat
Reflexes, Frenzy, Sweep, Two Fisted
Super Powers:
Aquatic (1)
Armor (8) +9 Heavy Armor
Attack, Melee (9) Focus, Knockback. Str+2d6
Awareness (2) Limited. Astral Beings
Earthquake (4) Earth Shake (Stomp)
Growth (3) Monster. Size +2
Immunity (16) Cold, Disease, Heat,
Leaping (6) Can leap 32” vertical and
64” horizontal. Bounce.
Regeneration (15) True Regeneration
Speed (5) Pace 48.
Stun (6) Larger. Stronger. (Clap)
Super Attributes (16) Strength +8 steps, Vigor
+10 steps.
Toughness (13) +6 Toughness, Hardy.
Strongest there is! (Limited
Attack Melee (6) 4 Levels
Super Attributes (10) Strength +12 steps
The round Hulk becomes Berserk he gains one step
in Strength per round. Every three steps of Strength adds one level of Attack
Melee to a maximum of Strength d12+20 and 6d6 Attack Melee. For example, the
Hulk has been Berserk for eight rounds. At the beginning of the ninth round his
Strength would be d12+17 and Attack Melee would be 5d6.