The group continued on their journey from Tierny to Five Cross. They witnessed a collection of "road tax" from some of Lord Bigamere Bronn's men on the road. They stopped at Genevieve's Kitchen & Inn for some information and a meal but decided to stay the night. Two of the party members were awoke in the night as something was heard in the barn where they were sleeping. They followed the creature into the night but were unable to find it. It was apparently going through their saddle bags perhaps looking for something. In the morning they were unable to find any tracks since it had been raining all night...
Later that morning they met with a local huntsman who had killed two Ratzin and for two silver pieces agreed to take them to where he found them. After finding tracks and searching the wilderness the group came upon a small cave that some of them quickly entered... And found a group of Ratzin led by a rather large Minotaur. A fierce battle ensued!
After narrowly escaping death and defeating the small horde of Childer the group mourned their lost companions and searched the cave. There they found a few small purses of gold with the stamp of the Kingdom of Erimar and a letter signed by G. The group decided to press on to Five Cross and took the head of the Minotaur, the letter and gave the gold to the local peasants to help rebuild their farms and fields that had been burned.